Alabama Pistol Permit 2016 Reference Guide ©

This publication is the most beneficial publication for anyone who has been issued an Alabama Pistol Permit

If you possess an Alabama Pistol Permit, it is YOUR responsibility to know the laws and regulations in any state you carry your pistol.
The Alabama Pistol Permit Reference Guide © helps you meet this difficult task.
Anyone who has been issued a Pistol Permit and is under 21 years of age,
is encourged to get this publication, because it tells you the states that you can't carry your pistol.

This is important for you to know, because some states could arrest you if you carry a pistol in their state.
These states honor Alabama however; they will not honor the Alabama Pistol Permit from any person under the age of 21.

The 2016 Alabama Pistol Permit Reference Guide © will show a Permit Holder the states they can carry their pistol in, and the states they can't. 


Here is what is included in this publication:

                                                                                           Section 1 States that honor the Alabama Pistol Permit.  The laws and regulations about carrying in each state
                                                                         Section 2 States that don't honor the Alabama Pistol Permit, and how to transport your pistol in each state
                                                                         Section 3 Alabama laws and regulations regarding carrying in Alabma and the Alabama Lethal Force Law.

                                                           >  There is also a section that details the proper way to advise a Law Enforcement Officer when you are armed.

                                                                                                                                             Get the 2016 edition at:
                                                                                                                                            *  Most Alabama Sheriff's Office.   
                                                                                                                                            *  By mail: Print an order form below [PDF], and send to the Alabama Sheriff Association (see below).
                                                                                                                                            *  By credit or debit card: (see below).  

       There is a $ 10.00 donation to the Alabama Sheriffs Association for the 2016 publication.

* available only by mail from these Sheriff OfficesJefferson, Limestone, Mobile, Tuscaloosa.

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Order by check or M/O.  Click   here   to print a PDF order form.

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